Friday, February 4, 2011

Well I did it!

I am now back to one blog! It was way to hard to keep up on 2, ya'll see how well I keep up one 1. : ) I am trying to get an app on my phone that will let me upload pictures from my phone but... I am having issues with it. Hopefully I can figure out what the problem is. :S

Something funny...

Cora and I go to the high school to get her grades...

I see the athletic director who we will call Mr Jimmy. (I don't really care for the man cause I have had a couple of meetings with him when Colby was here, Plus he doesn't like the old coach Roy Oeser was there.)

We walk pass Mr Jimmy
Me (very loudly)... "COLBY WITTEN!"
Cora (whispers) "MOTHER, you just didn't do that."

We walk pass Mr Jimmy again...
Me (very loudly again) "I WONDER HOW COACH ROY OESER IS DOING?" (Roy is the old coach)
Cora (whispers) "Mother really?!?!"

Mr Jimmy gets on his cell phone. Starts walking towards Cora and I.

Me "Cora OMG he is calling the police on me!"
Cora "Really? Mom?!"
Me "I think I will jump on a table and Yell OSHER RULES!"
Cora "Don't do it! I have to go to school here."

We walk outside and there is a police car! ROFL! It was so great! Cora really thought he would call the police on me. Please I am an angel! LOL!

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